Business Idea Mind Map

Step 3 – Mind Mapping

Mind Mapping is the 3rd Step in implement the "10 Essential Steps to Organize Your Business.

Let’s recall the core discussion point, that is ’10 Essential Steps to Organize Your Business’. First and second steps being Gathering Business Information and Forming Leadership Team.

Gathering business information, studying it, analysing and finding business insights are managerial job in nature. You use most of your brain power for this. But leadership formation is totally on the other side, where you need to use your assessment skills. Sometime even the intuition about some upcoming future leaders.

(3 articles are written prior to the one you are reading now, please read them as well)

I am assuming that, you have gathered all business information and studied well. If done, you must have new insights about your company and its operation ready with you.

Your leadership team is formed for actions to Organize Business towards accelerated growth and better results.

Let your team also go through the business information and come with their insights and ideas. Because, mind mapping is to be done by you along with your team. Purpose is to bring the leadership traits within your team.

Mind mapping is to put your plans and ideas to achieve company goals in a pictorial representation. Mind map model is shown in picture.

Let’s consider a midsized company who sell computers and do related services. Revenue verticals are computer sales, after sales service, network cabling, software solutions. They have sales, purchase, stores, digital marketing, customer support and accounts as operational and functional departments.

How to draw mind map?

Step 1

In the central portion of the mind map, write the main goals of the company for next year. (For example, consider the Turn over as 500 million (300 from sales + 100 from Network Cabling + 50 Software Solutions + 50 After sales service). Then Sales 300 million with a Growth of 20%. Finally with a Profit of 30 million

Step 2

Next list down the enablers for the organizational goals. (Enabler is a person or thing or process that makes planned result achieved). Sales, Software Solutions, Cabling, Service, HR, Accounts, Marketing, Purchase, Customer Support are the modes of enablers for this company.

Step 3

Write the action plan against each Enabler. Action plan will ensure each enabler to be executed as planned and on time. Thus, making the enabler to contribute towards companies’ growth.

Now it’s your job to draw a mind map for your company. Your team will contribute much to this activity.

You would have realized by now that, mind mapping is a creative a and effective tool to define the future goals of company and the plan to achieve the goals. While working on mind map, you are addressing the 5W+1H style of management. That is Why, What, Where, When, Who and How.

First 2 steps (Business Information Gathering & Leadership Team Formation) were the planning stage in 10 Steps of Business Organizing

Mind mapping, the 3rd step, is the preparation part. 

Next topic is Setting Organizational Goals and Targets, which is action side of business organizing.

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