If you want to build a great organization, Work with HR

If you want to build a great organization, Work with HR

How great organizations are formed?

Sustainable growth, ethical work culture, credibility, customer loyalty all are signs of great companies. Great companies attain a mode of self-sustainability under every circumstance. Because stake holders, employees, business partners, customers and government respect the values of great companies.

But who make companies great?

It is the employees. People are committed to great organizations. Personal priorities are never mixed up with work. Space research organizations and defense forces move on this.

Great companies do have a values system to be followed.

Companies need to posses two essential elements to build great workforce. Prime is your leadership. Human resource is the other side. Every business leader needs to work very close with HR.

Five areas of focus are,
  1. Recruitment – This shall be planned in advance to onboard the right person. Many companies fall into the trap of vacancy fill up under urgency. Urgency leads to compromises.
  2. Induction – New recruits are joining your company with great aspiration, especially during the initial days. Whatever value you add to them is going to decide on their culture build up. Senior executives to invest plenty of time on induction process.
  3. Training – Buildup of specific professional skill is the purpose of training. Ensure that there is an evaluation done at the end of training. Do never leave this to trainers. But the operations team to evaluate as the new recruit is going to join them on next day after training.
  4. Career plan – Well laid down career plan empowers employees to build up their profession. A junior executive knows that after 20 years he could be a general manager.
  5. HR Policies – You need not build all policies at one shot. Start with available policies. But whenever a situation arises, create a policy for that. Thus, over a period of time you will have a HR manual comprising all policies. Its not important to create policies but adhering to it matters. Then entire organization knows that this company is transparent and do respect policies and no element of self-interest.

Leadership, value system and policies determine work culture and in turn employee behavior.

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