three 'EXTRAS' for your company

Three ‘EXTRAS’ for your company

Let me suggest three 'EXTRAS' for your company, go ahead and pick them......……

It’s about trying a little extra in people development.

We often see every member in our team as ordinary.

But a ‘little extra’ make them ‘Extraordinary’!


Let me recount three incidents. Very simple but people did extra to get the business gain some extraordinary cost benefits.


1. Receptionist

Who always volunteers for extra jobs, any time anywhere.

She learned to take daily reading from the electricity meter. She did twice a day. At the beginning of working hours (9 AM) & at closing (6 PM). Difference between today’s morning and evening meter-reading gave day consumption. Difference between evening and next day’s morning reading gave night consumption. Power consumption report was then shared in  WhatsApp group. Regular monitoring brought down 25% electricity bill. She encouraged entire team to be part of power saving initiatives. None of the action were extraordinary but it was extra than the routine work. Few of them are,

Everyone knows to switch of electrical equipment. But they did extra to ensure computers are shut down after every shift, stabilizers are also switched off along with split AC, old & low efficient UPS were disconnected, replacement of lights and fans were done with power efficient LED lights & BLCD fans.

2. Accountant

The newly hired sales executive was looking for leads. Our seasoned accountant came through with a list of customers who had backed out. Customers who did business with us at least once in the last 5 years but did not show up for the last 6 months were included in the list. Further, this list was segregated into ABC category. A is the highest volume customer, while C is the lowest volume.

List creation was simple for him. Simply export the customer list from the sales journal and organise it in a workbook.

However, his extra work brought back many lost customers. That, too, was accomplished by a newcomer.

The same accountant repeated a similar extra for HR to recruit some highly skilled workforce from the employee list (worked with us 2-5 years back).

3. Admin Executive

He joined the HR team to assist the CHRO with a variety of tasks. He was a member of the newly formed purchase committee, along with members from accounts and operations. His strength was his extensive network of contacts. His extras included installing a water purifier and discontinuing the purchase of mineral water. He listed all major purchase items, regular repair and maintenance expenses and renegotiated rates. In addition, alternative products were used to replace costly old ones.

Reach to your people and encourage them to give that extra to your business, there you have the extraordinary results from ordinary people.

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